Sonic 1 prototype found by preservation groups

 After 15 yeas, A Sonic 1 build that is rare has been found and it was unveiled to the public yesterday (thursday). Gaming Preservation groups Hidden Palace and TCRF showcased this build in a new years eve livestream, It is a follow up to Wednesday Night's presentation of 3 sonic prototypes. Preservationists 'Drx' and 'ehw' showed gratitued to their respective teams and 'buckaroo' helped uncover the rare prototype and this collab closed the long-sought journey to find a sonic 1 prototype that lasted for almost 15 year, i bellive and in the build, there was no sega jingle (choir) in the game, no sonic team presents screen, and more. Spring Yard Zone was Sparkling Zone in this build and Scrap Brain Zone is reffered as Clock Work Zone too in this build. Players can download the Prototype builed by visiting Hidden Palace's Article on this Prototype of Sonic 1 

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