HSZ Review: Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis

Did you Know that Sonic the Hedgehog was Ported to the GBA, So I am going to do a Review of this Game,

This Game is like the Genesis Version but with a Lot of Changes and Bugs and it added the Aniversary Mode which makes Use of the Spin Dash (Did you know that Spindash Did not Exist in the Genesis Version or the Original Mode of this Game), Debug Mode has been removed too and this Game was released in 2006, The 15th Aniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog, and The Music and the Game is fully out of sync as showen in the End Credits too and Also the Last Game to use Sonic 1&2 Victory theme, So I will give it 3 out of 5 Stars, So That is It for the Review, I will see ya soon 

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