SEGA celebrating 60 Years with the 60 Day Celebartion Discounts, Free Games and More

 Sega is 60 Years old Now, in case if you were awere! Sega is celebrating with all sorts stuff, including the Steam Sale & Giveaway. But Sega is not stoppin' yet. Sega is running a 60 Day Celebration, They will Be:

  • Releasing 4 Retro Inspired Sega Games
  • Discounting more of thier Games
  • Running Giveaway
  • Putting out Interviews
And "more" according to their Twitter, As of Today, Sega is giving some free Steam copies of Nights into Dreams to anyone who signs up in their 60th anniverary site, here

The Website will provide Wallpapers and More when you Sign up. If you want the Nights Code, Do not Dawdle because they will be provided "as long codes last"

The 4 Retro Inspired Games will be avalivbe from Today to October 19th, 2020. SO again, if you want these do not wait.

Sega will be doing lots of Sonic and Sonic Team things during this, Stay tuned for more information

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